““We appreciate the work Building America is generating for Bricklayers and other members of the building trades unions – work that has helped many of our members keep food on the table, pay their mortgages and take pride in their work.” ”
Altgeld Family Resource Center - Chicago, IL
Allocation: $10.0M | TDC: $28.1M | Union Construction Jobs: 126 | Commercial SF: 40,000
The new construction of the Altgeld Family Resource Center will provide an early childhood learning center, a Chicago Public Library, and a community center to the Altgeld/Murray neighborhood on the far south side of Chicago. This community was originally designed to house military personnel upon returning home from World War II. Today it is currently undergoing substantial rehabilitation to improve the quality of life for all of its residents. Building America CDE Inc. is aiding the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) to enhance the current community facilities in place by providing New Markets Tax Credits for the construction of a 40,000-square-foot combined community space. This project is the final phase of the Chicago Housing Authority’s community master planning effort for the Altgeld/Murray community.