““We are combining the best cancer care in south Jersey with the number one cancer program in the country to foster a remarkable opportunity for patients and families in our region.””
Cooper Cancer Institute - Camden, NJ
Allocation: $7M | TDC: $58.8M | Union Construction Jobs: 412 | Permanent Jobs: 52 | Commercial SF: 103,000
The Cooper Cancer Institute, one of the busiest cancer centers in southern New Jersey, expanded access to cancer treatment in Camden by building a new $58.8 million, 103,050- square-foot facility in the downtown Cooper Plaza neighborhood. The new LEED-certified building enables the Institute to offer state-of-the-art cancer treatment to both local and out-of-town patients while substantially increasing clinical research activity and educational programs. The project is part of the city’s larger Cooper Plaza Redevelopment Plan, designed to revitalize the historic, but blighted, Cooper Plaza neighborhood, while encouraging new investment in Camden.