Destination Crenshaw - Los Angeles, CA
Allocation: $8.0 | TDC: $50.9M | Union Construction Jobs: 100 | Permanent Jobs: 60 | Commercial SF: 40,000
Destination Crenshaw is a reparative development and open-air museum project honoring one of the largest historic Black communities on the West Coast. The community-led project has five central components: a culturally stamped infrastructure project, a transformative union training and employment program, a local small business resiliency program, environmental equity, and a Black artist job program.
Sankofa Park, the hallmark structure of the project, named after the traditional African symbol of a bird mid-flight, will exhibit more than 100 works commissioned by Black artists who have strong ties to the Los Angeles community. The project will serve as an engine for the arts economy and create a pipeline of jobs for emerging and seasoned artists. As an emblematic Black cultural center – comparable to other enclaves like Chinatown, Koreatown and Mariachi Plaza – Crenshaw Boulevard will be transformed into Destination Crenshaw.