““Building America is proud to partner in
the transformation of PPL, which will be built by
the union men and women of the Rhode Island
building trades.” ”
Providence Public Library - Providence, RI
Allocation: $8M | TDC: $23.3M | Union Construction Jobs: 144 | Permanent Jobs: 80 | Total SF: 83,000
The Providence Public Library (PPL) renovation project involves the extensive renovation of PPL’s Empire Street wing, an 83,000 square foot structure built in 1953. The renovation will help transform this Rhode Island based private non-profit from a 20th century book lending institution into a 21st century community service organization. The Project will enable PPL and its program partners to offer larger and more frequent classes by more than doubling its classroom space, providing expanded spaces for children and teens, and creating a new 3,000 square foot café retail space that will generate operating revenue. Building America CDE, Inc., a subsidiary of the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust, has provided $8 million of New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs) for the project.