““This school is one of the most impactful projects in Detroit, and our union members worked tirelessly to ensure completion in time for the opening. This project’s community and employment opportunities bring construction workers and teachers’ families the wages and benefits they deserve. We are proud to be part of the School at Marygrove project.” ”
The School at Marygrove - Detroit, MI
Allocation: $8.0M | TDC: $27.7M | Union Construction Jobs: 137 | Permanent Jobs: 35 | Commercial SF: 64,700
The Marygrove College is 53-acre former higher education institution located in northwest Detroit that closed in 2019. Through community support and engagement, Marygrove has been converted into a P-20 educational campus, allowing it to retain a viable and important presence on the West Side of Detroit. This is an area that is considered severely distressed under the most current census data (2011-2015) with an unemployment rate of 24.8% and poverty rate of 40.3%. The campus required over $57 million in new financing to support the conversion of old buildings into K-12 facilities.
Building America proudly allocated $8.0 million in NMTC towards the $27.7 million major rehabilitation of the 64,700 square foot historic Immaculata Building serving grades K-5 which opened in the Fall of 2022. Not only was the construction completed with union labor, but the ability to support union teachers and union maintenance staff reaffirms Building America’s mission to create and support good quality jobs.
The School at Marygrove is a neighborhood serving essential institution developing critical thinkers and community-minded citizens. The cradle-to-career campus at Marygrove encompasses an early learning center through high school, including an on-campus teacher residency program. This is third project allocated NMTC by Building America in Detroit. In 2017, Building America allocated $8.5 million to Detroit Manufacturing Systems, creating hundreds of quality permanent manufacturing jobs within the city boundaries, followed by a $14.5 million allocation to Sugar Hill Apartments in 2020, providing vital Veterans Housing along with wrap around support services.