““The project is an important milestone for Detroit and for our union workforce in the city. The employment opportunities created at the Freelon at Sugar Hill will bring construction workers and their families the wages and benefits they deserve, especially important in the midst of the COVID pandemic. We are proud to be part of the Sugar Hill project.””
The Freelon at Sugar Hill - Detroit, MI
Allocation: $14.5M | TDC: $35.1M | Union Construction Jobs: 158 | Permanent Jobs: 26 | Total SF: 54,760
Building America CDE, Inc. (Building America), a subsidiary of the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust (HIT) allocated $14.5 million of New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) to the $35.1 million mixed use Sugar Hill Arts District development in the Midtown area of Detroit, Michigan. The Freelon at Sugar Hill development will create an inclusive community, reinforcing urban vitality in one of Detroit’s most dynamic districts. It will offer workforce, market-rate, and affordable housing, including for previously homeless veterans. The Freelon at Sugar Hill will also provide wraparound supportive services to veterans. The development is located across the street from the John Dingell Veterans Administration Medical Center, which provides primary care and other services.
The remaining units will be marketed to artists, teachers, and professionals from the surrounding cultural district and medical campuses. New commercial space with a green pedestrian walkway will serve neighborhood patrons.