““This project will create hundreds of quality construction jobs for our members. Through their craftmanship and skilled labor, union trades men and women will revitalize this area into a vibrant and inclusive space that will serve as an economic hub for
the region.” ”
Toledo Innovation Center - Toledo, OH
Allocation: $10M | TDC: $32.8M | Union Construction Jobs: 200 | Permanent Jobs: 325 | Commercial SF: 107,000
The Toledo Innovation Center (TIC) project is the rehabilitation of a historic 107,000-square-foot building constructed in 1911 that formerly served as a U.S. Post Office and later a Toledo Public Schools building. The space will be converted into a state-of-the- art innovation and technology training facility, an incubator site for start-up technology companies.
TIC is designed to create an energizing and open workspace for local entrepreneurs and apprentices, particularly those from low-income, minority, and underserved backgrounds, and will offer training for low-income residents.
The TIC’s goals include: (1) providing job training for low and semi-skilled adults from underrepresented backgrounds; (2) incubating local businesses and entrepreneurial talent; and (3) addressing multiple social determinants of health, including employment, education, economic stability, and neighborhood environment, all while increasing momentum to revitalize Toledo core communities.